Hello to all dear visitors to my child’s world, we all go through mixed ideas about the ways to raise our children and what is right and what is wrong. We must agree together that the children of this generation are different from previous generations, as each generation has its own characteristics and ways of dealing. Of course, what worked for you when you were young will not necessarily work for your children. Beating and abuse are never suitable educational methods for children or anyone else.
The most prominent destroyers of a child’s personality in education: Let us avoid them |
Some actions will destroy your son's personality. So avoid it:
1. Do not make your child feel that he is nothing without you:
Some mothers unwittingly play the role of excessive protector. They do everything for their child in his place, respond in his place, because from her point of view she knows more than him. She chooses clothes, food, friends, hobbies for him, cleans his room, and other things. In doing so, she is destroying herself, but who said that this is the correct method of upbringing? In this way, you are creating a dependent child who grows up to become almost personalityless, marginalized, or at worst unable to bear responsibility for anything, and selfish.
2. Stay closely with your child at all times:
We know, of course, that caring for a child requires the presence of the mother next to him, but from time to time your child needs his solitude to try sitting alone in his room and sleeping in his room at a certain age. Your child is not a target that you watch 24 hours a day, but rather he needs his space from life to feel his being and to become independent from time to time to be among you. There is a safe attachment between him and not a sick attachment.
3. Raising the child to be a copy of his parents or to achieve their dreams:
Who among us has not heard his father or mother tell him that her life's dream was to become a doctor or an engineer, so she wants you to be that. This is completely wrong. Your child did not come to this world to achieve your dreams that you did not achieve yourself for some reason. Your child has his own being and his own dreams, so do not think that he is supposed to be a copy of you or the Father in everything. You do not create copies of yourself, but rather complete your existence with its independent existence.
4. Treating the child as if he were old and aware of everything:
this is a bigger disaster. The mother who asks her child to bear
responsibilities greater than his abilities and then accuses him of
failure all the time, my dear, this is a child, and the young child
learns by trial and error. How do you want him to learn everything if he
does not try and go through his natural stages of development?
5. Comparing your child with others:
Another catastrophic mistake that destroys the child's psyche. Look at our neighbor's son, how he is first in school, how excellent, well-groomed, great and wonderful he is. What is the significance of this comparison? Do you think that your child will become jealous to prove himself more? Why would you want to incite jealousy and such cruel feelings to a young child? Do not compare your child to anyone else, as each child has his own personality and circumstances. Let him succeed with your encouragement, patience, and love. Focus on his features, refine them, and develop them for him.
6. Making fun of his pain and sorrows:
many mothers and fathers commit this horrific act? What ? Are you in
pain? What is this pain? Why are you in pain when you have everything?
Stop this and understand your child's pain and embrace it. He is just
like you, he faces bad days and pressure, so respect them.
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